Type Speaker CPD Hours Level
1.25 IntermediateInformation
SRA Competency B


Applications for interim care orders are the bread and butter of work for family law care practitioners. Frequently, applications that are made are not actively contested and a detailed application of the relevant legal principles is not routinely required for the preparation of such cases.

This webinar will assist you in preparing for contested interim removal applications and will serve as a reminder of the law on threshold, the legal need for an interim care order and what factors the court will need to have in deciding whether separation ought to be endorsed.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • How to be legally prepared for contested interim removal applications
  • A recap on the threshold criteria pursuant to section 31 and 38 Children Act 1989
  • The law on interim care orders, including an analysis of C (A Child) (Interim Separation)
  • Consideration of real examples together with guidance as to what constitutes ‘too much’ harm at an interim stage, specifically looking at the immediacy test
  • What must the court have regard to when looking at the question of removal
  • What should be considered when determining if a plan short of removal is available, considering ‘all available resources’

This pre-recorded webinar will be streamed at 12:30pm on Friday 14th October 2022 and will remain available to view by delegates who have registered by then for 90 days.

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Webinar | 14.10.2022

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Interim Care Orders - A Practical Guide for Family Lawyers

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